© 2010 Norma Stibbs International Ministries 
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Scotland. We started inside and had to move outside to the parking lot to finish ministering.
What a way to travel
Flying over the Andes into Chile
In Chile even the dogs come into the service.
To God Be All The Glory!
 This man was paralyzed as a result of a "bad" operation. He received healing and walked normally and we held up his crutches together praising Jesus.

I pray that as I share some of my missions stories and pictures with you, that you will receive the truth of the knowledge that God can and will use anybody who is willing. 

Share your thoughts with me.

Your Testimony is important. If you have a Praise Report please send it.
Philippines                                                                        This Pastor (standing at the back of the platform on the right) found me in a crowd of thousands at our crusade and asked me to come and minister in his church.
 In Africa, Deaf Ears opened at the name of Jesus!
God Always Makes A Way To Preach His Word!
The Children just love to sing about Jesus!

This precious girl couldn't get over the fact that God loves her and healed her.
Here I am so blessed to be ministering alongside Pastor Robert Kayanja in Kampala,Uganda 
The Women honored me after the crusade
The crowd was excited and we had lots of miracles
 Ministering in the homes. This little boy had his arms grow out. He received Jesus!
This young gal was set free in Brazil. The Pastors were amazed.
Me with Mom & Dad Hunter as we were going to the Ukraine
      Ministering in America                           (Vermont)
I will try and add some of the ministry that I've done and am doing in America. God is really moving in the Baltimore and Washington area with signs and wonders.
   Castle in Ireland
 where  I ministered
John & I stayed in this Gate Keepers House
Northern Ireland  We praised God for keeping us safe. The building on the block before us was bombed.
Here I ministered in a Lambing Shed in Ireland where many baby lambs were born. They had to add a tent on the back to get more people in the meeting.
This elevator is underground in the Ukraine
I was blessed to take part in a Ukrainian Wedding
The Happy Couple and their family. What a blessing!   
Ministering to the Children in The Orphanage.   A day that changed my life.
Their buildings are so beautiful
Ministering in the Ukraine on two separate trips we saw the power of God so move upon the people that in one meeting about 450 people jumped out of their seats and ran down front to receive the Baptism of The Holy Spirit. The power of God fell on people and tumors began to dissolve, ears were opened, a crippled woman began to walk and a young girl who had a gum disease which caused her teeth to be loose had her teeth become solid and straight.
Testimonies of Healings in Ireland

Ministering in Ireland people received as they sat in their seats. Here are a few of their testimonies:
"Jesus healed my left ankle of arthritis after 3 years of suffering and not able to put my foot on the ground"  Helen M.

"The growth on my leg which was the size of a large coin, dissolved in the meeting as I rubbed my leg" Suzanne M.

"Norma asked for people to stand who needed to forgive someone. I was brought up in a violent abusive background and needed to forgive my mother and father. As I forgave them a tension headache I'd been suffering with left me" Laura C.

"I have never ha confidence to achieve the necessary things of life in 40 years. As Norma ministered I felt a melting of emotions, and a great peace came over me with a warmth. This continued later at the evening meeting. I am healed and now have confidence and new belief."  John L.

" I had become addicted to Valium after being treated for my LSD use. Drug and Alcholol abuse followed. Nothing I did over 25 years could free me. I was about to lose everything. My wife and children had taken as much as they could. At a meeting with Norma Stibbs I ws delivered from my addiction and even the stress and anxiety left me as she prayed for me. I didn't need the Valium the next day to get through the day"  A.M.

"I had a bleeding problem from a brain hemorrhage and I was totality healed and was set free from feeling unworthy."  Thomas O.

" And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
Revelation 12:11

A Beautiful Outfit that was made for me
To God Be The Glory!
And Now, as I Promised, here is my story of what God did for me with our trip to Italy.

I guess everybody has a desire in their heart to do something or go somewhere special. As long as I can remember I've always had the greatest desire to go to Rome. I had traveled to 32 Nations of the world preaching the gospel and seeing God do miracles, and even been back to those nations at least 5 times each, some more. It seemed like my dream and desire to go to Rome was something that would never happen. Nobody was going to Rome for a mission trip, my husband had no desire to go and my friends all said they couldn't go.  I kept my desire locked up inside of me and never gave up on it.
One day my husband came home from work and said, "Did you watch Marilyn Hickey today?"  Well I didn't.  Then John (husband) said, she is going to Italy. I was shocked, surprised and excited all at the same time. I got online and checked it out and sure enough it was true! WOW!

I called and got all the information that was needed including the price. I took it to my husband and all at once he said he wanted to go too.  Wow how many shocks can I handle in one day!  He never wanted to go to Italy, and now his heart has been changed.

Well, we did all that we needed to do to get ready for this trip.  God supplied the money for both of us to go. Another Wow!

This was a missions, ministry trip to preach the gospel and minister to the people. We got so much more than I could have dreamed of. 
I am sharing all this with you to tell you, Never Give Up On Your Dreams! 

God's word is true, He said in   Psalm 37:4 (KJV)
 "Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
I've studied this scripture before and it says: Delight (make yourself useable, bendable, conformable unto the Lord and He will give you the secret petitions and desires of your heart.) WOW!

God knew that I had traveled the world for Him, doing His work and all the time I had this secret desire on the inside of me.  When His time (please hear that word) was perfect, He gave me my hearts desire.
Now I will finish by showing you some of the pictures from our Italy trip and sharing with you in picture how God gave back to me, more than I could ever have hoped for.

We began in Sicilia

On To Palermo
By Ferry to Naples
Mt. Etna
We have a real Italian meal with music and singing at our table.
At Last, Roma, A 
Dream Of A LifeTime.
Click on each picture to open it up
Marilyn Hickey teaching
My dream of Rome for so many years was such a wonderful blessing from the Lord.  Not only was this a ministry trip where we ministered and saw people getting saved, delivered and healed but God gave me the desires of my heart.

 Most of the time on a missions trip you don't have time for sightseeing.  God gave the time for ministry and He gave the time for all the wonderful places we were able to go and see. We even had time for just the two of us. 

If you are ever blessed to go to Rome, please do the Christian sightseeing tour.  There are so many things to see and enjoy in Rome. 

These pictures I am sharing with you are only a few of over 500 pictures that I took.

Today with my new digital camera it would be easy to put them on my site, but I had to do these by scanning the pictures on first then bringing them into the web site.

If you enjoy them or have questions for me, please send me an email and put in the subject line:
From web site.
At our hotel

This is the prison where Peter and Paul were held, and the feeling that came over me as I stood in that prison may I never forget. They gave their lives for their love for Jesus and the sake of the gospel. May I never complain about serving the Lord. He is Worthy to receive our praise. This is why Rome was in my spirit. My call to preach His word and set the captives free was made even stronger.
 Three Taverns where Paul was beheaded.

Spanish Steps

Roman Forum
Fountain of Trevi
We both threw a coin over our shoulder
Trevi Cafe
Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Michelangelo's beautiful Pietá.
San Paolo alle Tre Fontane, in English, St Paul at the Three Fountains is a church dedicated to St Paul the Apostle, at the presumed site of his martyrdom in Rome.

Legend claims that when St Paul was decapitated, his head bounced three times and fountains miraculously sprang out when it touched the ground. However the springs were known in pre-Christian times as the Aquae Salviae, and excavations have revealed ancient mosaic pavements. Even if it is not true it does help identify the claimed site of St Paul's martyrdom. It is also said that there was a stone pine tree at the site of his death, and the identification of this place was strengthened when ancient stone-pine cones were found here during excavations in 1857.

There are three symbolic monumental covers to the fountains said to have sprung up at St Paul's death. The fountains were sealed in 1950 because pollution made it dangerous to drink the water

Paul may have been detained here before he was executed at the Aquas Salvias (at the Abbazia delle Tre Fontane) and Peter before being executed in Nero's circus on Vatican Hill. 

Paul mentions imprisonment several times in his letters, such as in Philippians 1:13: "It has become known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ." 

According to later legend, St. Peter caused a spring to miraculously well up in the prison so that he could baptize his fellow prisoners. This spring is said to have miraculously cured the illnesses of pilgrims. 

Modern steps lead down to the upper level of the prison, which is at the original ground level of ancient Rome. The doorway is modern. 

The upper room of the prison is trapezoidal in shape and dates from the 2nd century BC. The walls are made of blocks of tufa and bears a plaque on the right naming the more famous prisoners, listing how and when each one died. A second plaque names the martyrs and saints who were held here with the names of their persecutors, and the notable visitors who came here on pilgrimage. In the back is an altar with the busts of Saints Peter and Paul. 

The lower room was originally accessed through a round opening in the floor of the upper room, which is now covered with a grate. Today, access is by means of a modern staircase on the left. At the top, look for a stone said to have the imprint of St. Peter's head from when he was hurled down into the prison. 

The lower room, the Tullianum, is circular and made of blocks of peperino held together without mortar. This was the most inner and secret part of the larger complex, and here the condemned were thrown and usually strangled. 

Here there is a small altar, topped with a relief of St. Peter baptizing his fellow prisoners. The upside- down cross on the red marble front lends the desolate place an extra-sinister air, but that's the Cross of St. Peter, who was crucified upside down. 

To the left of the altar is a column to which both Peter and Paul were tied and from there they converted their guards to Christianity. 

A round opening in the floor next to the altar provides access to a spring which has surfaces in the floor since Classical times: this is the one that Peter is said to have miraculously created for baptism and which pilgrims have long believed to have healing properties. 
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Women in the Ukraine
with their beautiful dresses
Ukrainian Market Place Proposal
This precious man asked me to
Marry Him.  Of course I am already married to my precious husband, John.
   Juarez, Mexico
Jesus gave us a commission to Preach the Gospel in all the World and I guess I'm just simple enough to do what He says.  I was afraid to fly but my love for Jesus was greater than my fear of flying, so I said, "Yes Lord, here I am use me, send me and I'll give you all the Glory."  And guess what?  He did!
I've ministered in 33 Nations of the World and have been back to them several times.  We've helped  start churches in many of the Nations, plant bible schools and healing schools and then ministered in them and watched them grow.
In every Nation we did crusades and ministered in the churches, on the streets and in the homes.Some we went into the hospitals and even into the bush. God has never failed to show up and bring salvation, healing and deliverance.  I give all the Glory to God in the name of Jesus!
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to open them
With no money and no Doctors, these precious people were thrilled beyond words when Jesus showed up and brought healing to them. They were healed and then received Christ into their hearts.  Jesus Never Fails!
In Chile we saw all kinds of real exciting miracles. Deaf ears opened, backs were healed, and the first one that Norma (ordinary housewife) prayed for was a blind woman who was healed by the power of God. This really created a lot of excitement. And the Glory Cloud came down and filled the stadium and people all over could see it.
To God Be The Glory!