September Praise Report
Testimonies from Helen after I ministered at the Severna Park Meeting:  Dear Norma, You were our speaker at Severna Park. Many miracles took place, these are just a few. People were healed by the presence of God before Norma even touched them. Then she laid her hands on those needing healing and legs were lengthened, cataracts fell off, hearing was restored, deliverance took place, eyesight was restored, and diabetes disappeared. There was a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God, as He visited with us.  These were just a few of the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ.
November Praise Report

I have a praise report this time. I tore the meniscus in my right knee and had to go to the surgeon then to physical therapy where they were preparing me to have knee surgery. I continued to tell them I would not have to have the surgery. I kept believing and confessing and standing on His Word and confessing it out loud. Today I went back to the surgeon and he said I DID NOT HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY!  Praise God, Thank you Jesus!  His word works!
 Norma Stibbs

Here is a Beautiful Praise Report From One Of My Meetings

God is an awesome God!

   Remember Rev. Norma Stibbs, who was featured in the previous booklet? She has been praising God for His miraculous movement in the Maryland-Baltimore area. She testifies of one of the meetings given by her, saying that it was beyond words.
   A woman who couldn't walk without a walker got up, walked and walked, never going back to the walker she came with. Another person had both ears opened from deafness, tumors dissolved, arms backs and legs were healed.
   In addition, a woman had a leg about 3 in. shorter than the other, by the grace and miraculous hand of God, it grew out in front of everyone and she was able to walk for the first time without a limp. Another woman had a locked neck and the doctors couldn't help her. She knew she had to make it to the meeting, but before she could get there, bees stung her several times. Well, how many of you know that our God is real and the devil is a liar? She made it to the meeting in spite of the enemy and God healed her neck. This woman was jumping, crying and praising God, testifying that this was the first time she could move her neck in years, and the bee stings went away too. The healing's went on and on. The meeting was so large they had to give Rev. Stibbs a second room for all the the people to fit in, as well as another hour to minister.
   There also was a man who for 20 years suffered with ringing in his ears. He said that it sounded like birds chirping in his ears. Rev. Stibbs prayed in the name of Jesus, and the ringing stopped. The man said that he had been to the doctors so many times, but there was nothing they could do for him. His wife even said that for the past 20 years, he had never had a good night's sleep. Praise God, He is our healer!

Another Praise Report:

While working at my Church while snow was on the ground I stepped off the curb and broke my ankle .I had to be in a cast for 6 months but when Pastor Norma laid hands on my ankle I was healed and out of the cast in 3 months, my bone had mended.  

On another occasion Pastor Norma  was obedient to God's word and I was Healed. I was going to have back surgery  for a slipped disk that kept me from bending, standing or reaching above my head and the pain was unbearable. Pastor Norma came to my house anointed me with oil, and laid hands on me . When I woke up, off the floor, she said Janice do something you couldn't do, I bent down and there was no pain. She said to me, go to the doctor and see what happens. I still got ready for my surgery but when the doctor took final x-rays of my back, before surgery, my disk was back in it's proper place. Surgery canceled. Look at what God can do. By His stripes we are healed. It's been 11 years and I'm still healed, no pain and I'm bending, stretching, and standing with out pain.  
Janice B. 

Another praise report: November 

I had a call from a beautiful lady who was in a nursing home because she lost the use of her legs and couldn't stand up.  She said that she was in a wheel chair and couldn't walk. When I asked her what had happened she said she just all of a sudden lost the use of both of her legs. They took her to the hospital and ran tests and said it was her spine.  I prayed for her and she said she felt a touch from the Lord as I prayed. A few days later I got a call from her and she was crying so hard I had trouble understanding her. She said after I prayer for her, she got up and walked. She said the therapist was there and saw her get out of the wheel chair and walk and  couldn't believe his eyes. I praised God with her and prayed and asked the Lord to strengthen her and send her home.  I received another call a few days after that, again with the crying, saying that she was walking every where and that she was home.  To God be the Glory, in the name of Jesus!

April  Praise Reports

A call from a precious lady who said she was just told she had cancer in 3 areas of her body...I prayed for her and she went back for more tests and she called to say the cancer couldn't be found. All glory to God in Jesus name!

A lady sent in a request for prayer for her back and spine...all the tests said she had to have surgery....after prayer she sent another email to say they canceled her surgery and her back and spine were healed! Praise God, Thank you, Jesus!

Send your prayer request  or praise report to me by clicking on the email link.

Please be sure and put in the subject space, prayer request or praise report.
email me
                   © 2010 Norma Stibbs International Ministries 
                                  All Rights Reserved 

Revelation 12:11 (KJV)                           
 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; 

I Peter 2:24 (KJV)

By whose stripes ye were healed
Testimonies from Helen after I ministered at the Severna Park Meeting:  Dear Norma, You were our speaker at Severna Park. Many miracles took place, these are just a few. People were healed by the presence of God before Norma even touched them. Then she laid her hands on those needing healing and legs were lengthened, cataracts fell off, hearing was restored, deliverance took place, eyesight was restored, and diabetes disappeared. There was a tremendous outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God, as He visited with us.  These were just a few of the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Praise Report
Praise Report
I have a praise report this time. I tore the meniscus in my right knee and had to go to the surgeon then to physical therapy where they were preparing me to have knee surgery. I continued to tell them I would not have to have the surgery. I kept believing and confessing and standing on His Word and confessing it out loud. Today I went back to the surgeon and he said I DID NOT HAVE TO HAVE SURGERY!  Praise God, Thank you Jesus!  His word works!
 Norma Stibbs
Praise Report

A women who came to my Wed. prayer group asked for prayer for her children. They would have nothing to do with her and all she wanted was to be with her children for Christmas this year.  She came back in 2 weeks to tell us that her kids called her and said "Mom, what would you like for Christmas".  And she was with her kids for Christmas this year!  Praise God!
 Praise Report
A call came in from the women from April Praise Report who had cancer in 3 areas and Drs. could no longer find any cancer. She just went back for more tests this week and NO CANCER!
Praise Report
After ministering to a precious brother in the Lord and removing any blocks that would keep him from receiving from the Lord, he came over to say that God answered his prayer needs just the way he had asked.  He got a job that he wanted, the financial blessing that he needed and God is really blessing him in every area of his life.  To God be the Glory!
Praise Report
In a time when the world is saying recession my son received a promotion at his job and a pay raise. To God be the Glory!
Praise Report
God is so good, my husband just got a promotion and pay raise at his job. God is no respecter of persons. We serve a God rich in love and blessings!
 Proverbs 13:22 b (Amp.) The wealth of the sinner [finds its way eventually] into the hands of the righteous, for whom it was laid up.
Praise Report
I received a phone call from someone I haven't seen or heard from since 2003 when they came for help with their marriage. Praise God they are still together and he said he had something to give me. He came to my Wednesday prayer group and put a check in my hand for the ministry for $500.00.  
Praise Report
A precious gal came to my Wednesday prayer group in my home and said the doctors told her she had a cancerous mass and she had to  have a hysterectomy. We laid hands on her and prayed and today ( 1 week later) we got the report from her that when the doctors operated they  didn't have to do the hysterectomy and the mass they removed had no cancer at all.
Praise Report
A phone call came in from a woman who fell off a stool and was in great pain. They took her to the hospital and found out she didn't have any broken ribs but her rib cage had moved.  She was having problems breathing. As I was praying for her she had a sudden gasp of air and was healed. She said she was out of pain and could breathe with ease.

We Give All The Glory To God, In Jesus Name!
Praise Report
If you look back at the Feb. Praise report you'll see my son got a promotion and pay raise at a time the world says recession. Well this is 3 months later and he called last night to say he just got another pay raise!  To God be the Glory!  I'm claiming that one too.
Praise Report
  I was experiencing severe pain in my lower back, spine & tailbone area. It started around Easter due to working outdoors & planting flowers. I did all I  knew to do in the natural by taking pain & anti inflammatory med's & nothing worked to bring me relief.  I couldn't stand, sit or lie down without having shooting pains radiate down my legs knees & feet. It also affected my sleep as I couldn't find a comfortable position that I didn't feel pain.
On one particular Tues. evening, I made up my mind that I was going for prayer at Norma's prayer group on Wed. morning. I set my alarm for 7:00 a.m but due to lack of sleep when 7:00 a.m rolled around I was too exhausted to get up. I stayed in bed another 3 hrs, trying to fall asleep but couldn't. The pain was so intense that I could barely move, but I was determined to press through. I began praying in the Spirit for over 1 hour and I began feeling strong enough to get out of bed & get dressed.
By the time I was ready it was now 11:20 a.m. & I drove to Norma's house for prayer. The prayer group was in the middle of praying. I excused myself for interrupting and said I really need prayer.
Everyone took notice of the look on my face and how I was barely able to move. Norma asked me to come & sit down for prayer but I told her I wasn't able to sit due to being too painful & no position gave me relief. Everyone stood around me and Norma began to take authority and bind and rebuke the spirits from me and all that was not of God. Then she asked the group to lay hands on me and they prayed for the release of healing in my body, in Jesus name.
I immediately began feeling a release in my body where earlier I wasn't able to bend forward or side to side to any degree or sit without pain & now there was no pain or restriction at all. The Lord healed & delivered me instantly, which was a miracle, because I had suffered with this condition for 2 months & was now completely set free.

Praise the Lord!  Amen
Maria T. Rizzi
Christmas Praise Report!

What a beautiful way to end the year than with a testimony of His Healing Love. I was blessed to minister in the Sunday Breakfast Mission and had 19 salvations on both the men's side and the women and children side. The Lord placed on my heart to go back and give a Christmas Party for the women and children.  I took my prayer group in and a lady from the previous time came running up to me to tell me that the 2 month old baby I prayed for, that was blind, is now seeing!  We had a Wonderful time and that was the best Christmas present anybody could get. Thank you Jesus!
A women came to my home asking for prayer for healing of constant sinus infections and deafness in both ears.  After sharing the word with her I prayed for her sinus and she could breathe deeply. I then commanded the deafness out of her ears and for the healing and restoration of both ears.  She left but only got across the street where her car was parked and came running back to say, " I can hear the birds chirping"!  The joy on her face said it all. Thank you Jesus!

Praise Report!
To: Norma Stibbs Ministries                                                      

I'm writing you the testimony for my Mother, Mrs. Marie Haire, of Washington, DC.

 Rev. Stibbs preached at our church for S.H.O.U.T. Women's Ministry and when she gave the alter call for healing,  my mother went up.  Mom has (had) astral arthritis and her bones in her legs bend.  She has had stiffness of her legs, constant pain when walking and she needs to buy Ben Gay patches just to get around.  She has suffered with pain for over 20 years.  Also she had two big knots on both sides of her knees.  Rev. Stibbs laid hands on her legs and prayed and about 20 minutes later Mom told me to feel her knees and the knots were gone. The next day Mom got up and there was no more stiffness, no pain and she is able to get around without the patches. Her legs were completely healed. 
It is April the 16th and my mother's legs have not hurt her since.

 Thank you for allowing God to use you in the gift of healing.

Janice Bryant
Mrs. Marie Haire (Mother)
Thank you Janice & Mrs. Haire for your testimony!

Revelation 12:11 (KJV)                           
 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; 

Rev. Norma Stibbs
Praise Report!

I don't normally give the praise reports that are happening in my local church, but last night at our Wednesday night prayer service I gave a word of knowledge about a healing in the back and legs. After the service as I was leaving a guy came up to me and said, that word was for me, both the back and the legs. He received his healing and was so excited.

Praise God!
Had a call from a lady who just came from her Dr. with her voice going in and out.  The Dr. told her that her vocal cords were opening and closing and were supposed to stay open all the time.

I asked her to place her hand on her throat and I commanded in the name of Jesus for the vocal cords to be opened and stay open.  

3 days later I went to see her and was thrilled cause her voice was perfect.  Her vocal cords are open and she sounds great!  What a mighty God we serve!
Praise Report!
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  We talked about 6 weeks ago, and I Thank You for your time, compassion and concern. I am still recovering from the Heat Stroke I had in Afghanistan, and other things that I have gone through.

  Wanted to let you know, that that night, at about 2:00 am, I woke up (this was after I prayed for Brian) After I climbed back in bed and laid down, a strong warmth came all over my stomach area. This warmth enveloped my stomach area for about 4 minutes. I do not know what was happening, but I am sure God was doing something - healing my insides. I am sure it was due to your prayer, and I wanted to write you and Thank You.

Sincerely & Thank You,

Brian F.

Brian, thank you for sending in this praise report.  Please forgive me for taking so long to put it on here.  I did leave some things out to be more discrete. Please let me hear from you again and how  you are doing.  We praise God for all who have been so brave to serve in our Military.
May God bless you and continue to heal you spirit, soul and body in the name of Jesus!
It was a cold early spring Wednesday evening as I headed for our weekly prayer service. Our Pastor spoke about Isaiah 53:5 and explained how Jesus Christ suffered on the cross so that we don’t have to suffer diseases, illnesses, pains. All we have to do is ask Him!!! About 15 years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. As time progressed, the disease took over more and more of my life. Eventually I lost my job because of the disease and was approved for long term disability. I was on a slow progression toward a wheel chair and just accepted it as a part of my life. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t feel my fingers or my feet. Getting out of bed in the morning was a real nightmare and I often couldn’t move or think until noon. The medicines I had to inject each week made me physically ill for days and gave me horrific headaches. Before that spring night I never asked the Lord to cure me, I never even thought about it. I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior many years before. I just thought that MS was a part of my life and that was the way it was. Then that night, the Lord spoke to me and told me to go up to the altar and claim healing. I didn’t do it! Then he sent over a friend who whispered in my ear that I needed to go up to the altar and she would come with me, so I did! AND BY HIS STRIPES I WAS HEALED!!!!!! With a simple request to my Savior and prayer from two of my church friends, I walked out of that church healed that night! I no longer drag my foot; my pain is gone; I shoveled my driveway this winter every one of the 13 times it snowed; and I am out of bed and productive early every morning!!!! All praise to my Savior and Healer Jesus Christ, I no longer have MS! My God is an awesome God!

Praise Report!
Praise Report!
I did a funeral for a dear friend of mine along with the Catholic Priest. As I was sharing about being a friend and walking in love, a woman who was so hard of hearing she never heard the masses and that day could not hear as the Priest was sharing, all of a sudden she could hear me as I shared and she could hear clearly!  God opened her ears and she is hearing perfect! All in the name of Jesus!

Rev. Norma Stibbs
Praise Report!
Dr Goldfedder called me to share that after I prayed for him (macular degeneration) he could see better without glasses then he could with glasses and he said I prayed an anointing on him cause a man came into his office with a hernia and he prayed for him and it left immediately. Then he prayed for a young boy about to shoot his self in the head and he was delivered.
Aloha From Honolulu!
God used awesome vessel, Norma, to speak the Word Of Healing over me, glory to God! She came against lying symptoms, taking our authority as believers. She asked the right questions calling out symptoms, individually too, to rebuke! She broke any negative words spoken against me, too! The Joy hit me and I was laughing uncontrollably, praise His Holy Name, forever! It all seemed to happen so quickly. It was kinda like my healed body was running to catch up, if that makes any sense at all! I received the word sent to me deep into my innermost being. When Norma asked how my ankles felt, I said something like, Free and light as a feather,I was dancing around the room totally healed!
Susan B.
Praise Report!
Praise Report!
Praise Report!
Nothing helped heal the pain from bone fracture to arm when I fell & wrist pain (ligament, tendon tear & subluxation's) & then from multiple re-injuries from tripping up the stairs until I talked to Norma today for prayer. Norma thank you for opening my eyes with wisdom/revelation to deeper roots that needed to be addressed. I believe God sent you to heal me today. Thank you form the bottom of my heart.
Lisa H.
Praise Report!
Norma prayed over my back and hip area and God healed me! Glory To God!
Robbi S.
Praise Report!
I was in quiet time with Jesus the phone rang right. I usually have the phone off at that time. But I answered and it was Norma  and asked if I needed prayer for anything. WOW! talk about timely!!! I mean, the phone rang right when I was thinking about ya'll... God confirmed His presence in this valley Im going thru. So she prayed with me and I receive my miracleS :) Thank you JESUS, thank you Norma for calling!  Blessings to you, your loved ones and your ministry - SHALOM
 Praise Report
I had spinal surgery and have plates and screws in my spine. Now, 28 years older, I have nerve deficit due to compressions and herniations, plus I believe these screws are putting pressure on sciatic nerves. HOWEVER – and this is what occurred to me while Norma and I were speaking – the day after I recited the prayer for back and neck problems, I had absolutely no pain at all in my back at the site of the surgery, or down my “dead” legs, or in my neck! I haven’t been pain free in at least 10 to 15 years! Note that the day I had no pain, I had completely forgotten that I prayed for relief the night before! Thank you, Beloved Jesus, for lending an ear to me; and thank you, Joan, for showing me how to prayer for specific needs. 

Praise Report
​Norma called me today to pray with me. When she did I felt a heavy burden lifted off of me. I believe I have Victory in the Name of Jesus. My problems are going away and Breakthrough is coming to me rapidly in the Name of Jesus I pray! I will continue to keep you up to date as more wonderful things happen to me. God bless.
Dave D.